Dental Health Teeth

First Aid For Knocked Out Teeth

A tooth can get knocked out from a blow or an accident. It happens to children all the time but knowing how to handle a dental emergency is very important. When the entire tooth is knocked out, it is said to have avulsed. Avulsed tooth needs immediate and prompt treatment .If action is taken quickly preferably within 30 minutes there is a chance to save the tooth.

Emergency action can save the avulsed tooth so that it can be replanted successfully and last for years to come. What can be done if a tooth gets knocked off?

  • Locate the tooth at the accident site and pick it up by the crown (the chewing surface) and NOT the root.
  • If dirty, gently rinse the tooth with water. The tooth should never be scrubbed or washed with any soap or chemicals. It should be very gently handled to preserve the cells on the root surface.
  • Try to reposition the tooth into the socket immediately, if possible. Push it in with your fingers slowly and hold it in place by biting down on it.
  • If repositioning is not possible, or you are unable to do it, store the tooth in cold milk (do not use flavored milk). When milk is not available, place the tooth in the child’s mouth (between the cheeks and gums). Be very careful and do not let the child swallow the tooth.
  • Milk teeth cannot be replanted. This holds good only for permanent tooth.
  • Do not use regular water for storage of the tooth as the root surface cells gets destroyed.
  • See a dental surgeon within 30 minutes of the injury.

If you cannot find a knocked-out tooth, it is still important to see a dentist as soon as possible. The tooth, whether permanent or milk tooth, might be pushed up into the gums and would need to be re-positioned.

Health Teeth

Tips to Fight The Urge To Smoke

Craving to light a cigarette despite taking a pledge not to? Everyone faces hurdles on their quit smoking journey and we will tell you how to surpass them and score a goal for a healthy you! Situations that can increase your desire to light a cigarette:

  • Stress and Anxiety

Stress is one of the most common reasons for a person on a quit smoking journey to start smoking again. But when was getting rid of a bad habit so easy? Seek support from friends and family to overcome stressful times and engage yourselves in activities and hobbies that you enjoy. These times always pass and you just have to hang on patiently without letting it get the better of you.

  • Alcohol

Smoking and alcohol are pretty good friends and every time you settle down to enjoy a glass of alcohol, it might let your guard loose and you would want to take a puff. Once you’ve downed a couple of drinks, your cognitive behavior is affected and your self-control goes for a stroll. The nicotine in the cigarette will increase your urge to drink more and you’ve got entangled in a vicious circle. If you are on a quit smoke plan, we suggest you to stay away from alcohol too. Completely cutting out alcohol could be difficult for many, for those we suggest you to limit your consumption before your rationale thinking dwindles off.

  • Cravings

Fight cravings with physical activities like exercise, going for a run or to the gym or playing your favorite sport. Literature says that withdrawal symptoms and cravings for cigarettes decrease during exercise and up to 50 minutes after exercising. How wonderful is that? Pull yourself out of that chair, wear your running shoes, play your favorite music track and just get rid of that sick craving!

  • Nicotine Withdrawal

Your body and brain gets addicted to nicotine while you smoke and when you stop smoking‚ your body hates it. That’s withdrawal and withdrawal symptoms might bother you. It is maximum in the first week of quitting smoking. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) will help you overcome this time and trick your body and mind by giving them the nicotine it craves. Nicotine patches, gums and lozenges are available over the counter and can be safely used. Your doctor could prescribe medications to help with the withdrawal symptoms. Discuss your NRT with your doctor and choose one that works best for you.NRT will only help with the withdrawal symptoms but your self-control and determination is what is needed most. Quitting Smoking is tough but you are tougher. Meet your doctor, make a quit plan and take your first step to a healthy and happy life!

Health Teeth

Can dental cavities occur due to acid reflux?

Have you heard of acid reflux? It is fairly common today among children and adults. But what exactly is it? The food pipe (esophagus) carries food from your mouth to your stomach. The muscle at the end of the esophagus opens during swallowing to allow food to pass and then closes to prevent food from going back. When this muscle randomly opens up or does not shut properly, the acidic contents of the stomach, including highly acidic digestive juices, gush back into the food pipe, resulting in a burning sensation in the chest or throat known as heartburn. When these symptoms are experienced often, the patients is said to be suffering from acid reflux. The incidence of this condition increases markedly after the age of 40. Not just adults are affected; even infants and children can have acid reflux. But what does acid reflux have to do with teeth? The refluxed acidic content of the stomach leads to loss of the enamel of the tooth resulting in tooth erosions, decay and hypersensitivity. Did you ever guess that your teeth were getting decayed and worn out due to acid reflux? The condition can cause a dry mouth, which increases the bacterial count in the mouth and can lead to an increase in tooth decay. What are the signs and symptoms of acid reflux?
  • Heartburn
  • Regurgitation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Chronic cough
  • Hoarseness of voice
  • Non cardiac chest pain
  • Acidic taste in the mouth
  • Belching
  • Unpleasant odor in the mouth
  • Tooth Erosion

A gastroenterologist can diagnose and help treat the condition. To prevent tooth surface loss, few precautions that can be taken are:

  • Refrain from brushing your teeth immediately after a reflux episode. Brushing may damage enamel that has already been weakened by acid.
  • Chew sugar-free gum. Chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva and reduces acid content in the mouth.
  • The dental surgeon would prescribe mouth rinses and toothpastes containing fluoride to make the teeth resistant to demineralization.
  • Refrain from drinking carbonated drinks.

Unexplained tooth surface loss can indicate the possibility of acid reflux and medical and dental management of this reflux disease is necessary. With proper medications, the condition can be treated, but relapses are occur. Regularly scheduled dental and medical appointments will help reduce the episodes of reflux and allow you to live a reflux free comfortable life!

Dental Health


The roots of the top back teeth (premolars and molars) lie just beneath the maxillary sinus. As we age, our sinuses grow and push against the roots of our upper back teeth. An inflamed maxillary sinus exerts pressure on the nerves that enter the roots of the upper teeth resulting in a toothache. This toothache is often confused with other causes of tooth pain like gum disease, tooth decay, or an impacted wisdom tooth. Every winter, allergy sufferers find themselves in dismay with a stuffy nose and a vague pain all over their head and cheek. Many a times, this is accompanied by a persistent toothache of the upper teeth. What does sinusitis have to do with your teeth? Are they related? Yes they are and a sinus infection can bring along with it, a nagging tooth ache. How do you know if the pain you’re feeling is from a sinus infection or a tooth that needs attention? What kind of pain occurs in sinus toothache? These toothaches are intense, continuous, and in the upper back teeth. Sometimes the toothache will be on one side and sometimes it may be on both. It is also possible for the toothache to jump to the lower teeth, causing what is known as a referred pain. What can be done if you have a sinus toothache? Tooth pain related to sinusitis will often diminish or disappear within a few days as the sinusitis is treated. If the pain persists, the cause could be related to the tooth itself. Persistent tooth ache may indicate the presence of other factors such as:

  • Gum disease
  • Bruxism, or tooth grinding
  • Dental decay
  • Dental abscesses

What is the treatment of a sinus toothache? Any kind of discomfort should not be ignored. There are chances that the toothache is not related to the sinus infection which is why a dental consult should be sought. The dental surgeon will investigate to determine the cause of the pain. A clinical examination, patient’s history and radiographs would be taken to look for the source of pain. If a dental issue is not found, the pain is attributed to the inflamed sinus for which treatment for the sinusitis would be advised. The physician would prescribe antihistamines, decongestants or/and antibiotics, nasal sprays to treat the inflammation and provide relief from the sinusitis and sinus toothache. Sinusitis induced toothache is a relatively common complaint for patients who develop a sinus infection due to a cold or other reasons. Accurate diagnosis is important for the effective treatment of the sinus toothache and the underlying infection that is causing it.